Monday, January 14, 2008


What's the best way to start off a new year and a new season of training? How about come back from half way around the world with some serious jetlag. Then you top that off with a migraine that decides to shut your body down for days. Sad thing is: I slept for three days, I didn't eat for three days, and I still didn't lose any weight. Sigh...So my Week 1 turned into Week -2.


I am back working with my coach from 2006. If you thought what I did in 2006 was, well different, that's because it was. Maybe things will look a little more "traditional" but knowing myself, don't bet on it.

This week is now Week 1. The results are mixed. The engine feels good, but my weekly routine... well I have no routine yet. And that worries me just enough to make me uneasy. As it is still January, there is no need to panic. So tonight after happy hour....yes after happy hour, I hope to dip my feet in the water for the first time since, ehhh, July?

Hope I remember how to swim...


Triteacher said...

You WILL remember. OK, maybe not right away, but it'll come back. It took me about three weeks after my hiatus before I "felt the water" again. Good luck!

Erin said...

Ditto what Triteacher said. But attempting a first swim AFTER happy hour? Now that's something I never tried...hope it went okay.