Without the mind, the body will fail. Last week was a much need step towards improving my confidence. This afternoon I ran with a purpose: to show my Doubting Thomas mind that my body was still capable.
Here are my half mile splits (the first and last were to and from the parking lot to the first marker):
I was pushing a bit harder than I should have, but I needed to see a few splits in a row below 3:30. And by golly they were there!!! So now my mind has seen that my body is still capable. So I'm on a little high, but I was going to sober up real soon.
I rushed home to pack up my bike and trainer to head to a group indoor training ride, led by my coach. Just so you all don't think I'm totally nuts, there is a projection screen with cycling and tri racing scenes and music to go along with the workout. (By the way, I have music on in the background for 90% of my indoor rides, just no TV.)
Here's the workout.
- Warm up for 10-15 minutes
- Spin at 120 up to 135rpms for five minutes
- Lactate ladder (read through the bike section here for an explanation)
- 2x10 minute "time trials"
- 3 min (1 min hard 53x19 gearing , 1 min at 53x18, last min all out) 4 min recovery x 8 with a climbing block
- Cool down
My legs were tired going into the ride, but they were dead by the end of the two hours, not to mention I was hungry (three hours of workouts and no gels - I know, I'm nuts.) We definitely earned our post ride chili and beer!!!
So just two quick notes on the rest of my week.
-I plan on doing a 5k and a 10k this Saturday. 5k swim and 10k run. Any takers?
-I'm praying for some good news on Friday. That is the day of my follow-up with the cardiologist. I'm on pins and needles...
I need to do a 500 m swim, 15 mile bike, and 5k run on sat. still not sure where or how I am going to get that in...
Good luck at the doctor's!
I will be out on Hinkley with CTC doing the 15 mile bike followed by a 3 mile run. Pray the doctors do have good news for you.
My run is starting to get better. I'm anxious yet nervous to see sub 8 minute times again. I worry about my leg.
Slowly but surely.
Love the ladder...good luck with the doc..i expect good news.
Been doing a few 130 rpms..nuts.... :)...something i have to focus on.
Nice workout! You definitely earned that chili and beer.
Good luck tomorrow at the doc.
I'll take that offer ;) See you "in the pool and on the road" :) Keeping my fingers crossed for you for Friday...
I hope the news is great news...keep us up-to-date:)
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