- hours of sleep. I should probably get more
3, 1, 2
- pieces of toast with jam, banana, glasses of juice for breakfast (a feast compared to yesterday)
10x100 on 1:55 + 10x50 on 0:55
- main set of my swim workout today
- total yards swam
- number of known bloggers encountered in the pool (hope I didn't scare papa louie away)
- transition time from pool to shower to weight room
- minutes in the weight room
9, 8, 6, 4
- number of reps per set of each excercise
- number of exercises in the weight room (bench press super set with flyes, cable rows, bicep curls super set with tricep pull downs, standing military press, lat pull downs, straight leg deadlift)
- transition time from weights to the treadmill
- minutes on the treadmill
2.5% and 10:00
- incline and pace
- minutes of stretching post run
- number of gels packs consumed during workout
72 oz
- approximate volume of gatorade endurance and/or water consumed during workout (excluding pool water.) Not quite enough
5 minutes
- approximate time needed to get a bag of ice for ankle
- approximate number of calories in a foot long BMT sandwhich from Subway. I adjusted for the condiments
- bowls of rice with dinner. Sliced pork with cucumbers, mushrooms, and onions. (see photo)

- bottles of beer consumed this evening
- number of loads of laundry done tonight
- number of loads remaining for the weekend
Sounds like a good training day! :)
You are such a science guy...I love it! :) Cool post! I wouldn't be able to keep track of all those numbers. I can barely count my yards in the pool! hee hee
You forgot to mention what you weighed before and after all your hard workouts?
Nice of you to share a lane with me. You rocked the pool. I just swam easy 800 to warm up for a hard 40 minute tempo run on the treadmill.
Kewl - I would love to have many more training days like yesterday.
trisaratops - I am nerd at heart in a wanna be athlete's body. I can keep track of all those numbers but I still have problems counting my swim strokes.
papa louie - I don't think I have ever seen a scale in the gym. Not sure if I even want to know.
All these numbers are mkaing me dizzy :)
4 bowls of rice....that's a lot of rice ;D
Hey just realised you are a Calvin & Hobbes fan too. I must confess that in many ways I am just like the Asian version of Calvin when young - except I have a toy mouse instead of a tiger. ;)
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