Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I really enjoy football. As a little kid I had aspirations of playing in a Super Bowl. My friends and I would all dream about making an acrobatic game winning touchdown catch in the end zone or bursting up the middle for a 75-yard TD run. I played one season of organized football in eighth grade. I remember having to wear shoulder pads at my weigh-in to meet the minimum requirements. I never saw much game action, but I had a great time.

I will use a fast-forward and save the story of my high school football career for another day.

A handful of friends, ex-college classmates, et cetera gather every couple of weeks to play tackle football, without the pads. Even though I weigh more than 100 pounds now, I am one of the smaller players out there. But I can outrun them all. Every Super Bowl Sunday is the biggest game of the year for this motley crew. So this past Sunday it was a pretty nice winter day, and an even better day for football. The ground was pretty soft from the mild winter, but a fresh coating of snow would cushion the several unavoidable big hits I would have to take. The temps were probably in the 30s, with a little bit of wind. After running around a bit I would be warm and I could streak down the field in just thick Under Armour. So as game time approached I, alas, was nowhere near the field.

Last September I made a commitment. I understood the ramifications. I would need to be disciplined. I would need to manage my time better. I would need to be patient. I would need to make sacrifices.

We all make sacrifices. I will wake up a half hour earlier tomorrow to get to the pool. I will not eat Combos or drink beer this weekend. I will skip out on playing football with my friends.

Why? We have lofty expectations and big dreams. We are focused and determined. We have love and passion.

So on Sunday I went for a 45 minute run with my "IM training sisters." I barely missed playing football. I want to be an Ironman.


Eric said...

I hear ya big guy. The past several years I have played indoor soccer as winter cross training. Because of Ironman I decided not to play since the risk of injury is too high.

I have also given up on the beer, maybe a very rare occasional one like on Super Bowl Sunday which gave me a headache, I digress.

In our minds and hearts we are well on the way to being Ironmen. The finish line will be the icing on that cake we can't eat just yet.

Anonymous said...

Hey ALW, Chuck M here. I've had some heart issues too. Ask me about it next time I see you. In the meantime, check out this link to Slowtwitch.com. No replies yet, but it was just posted in the past 15 minutes.


It's about racing while taking beta-blockers.